Student Blogs

The Perks of Being Holy Cross

November 3rd, 2015 tluong19

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all are doing wonderful! First and foremost, I’d like to thank you all for reading my previous blog entry and a HUGE thank you to my family and friends for their love and support!


The lovely view I am blessed to see every day

The lovely view I am blessed to see every day

Life on the hill is very busy, but great! I met with my advisor earlier this week to talk about different classes I am considering for the spring semester. Though I had a huge schedule conflict with a lab I am going to take in the spring, the meeting went pretty well!

I am very excited for the next semester because I will be taking different classes that I never thought I would be able to as a first year student (I will let you know more about it once my schedule is set). For example, I am invited to apply for a job position on campus as a peer consultant in the Writer workshop and as part of the application process, I would need to take a writing class next semester called English 387: Composition Theory and Pedagogy! Another cool thing about this class is that it is also a requirement for students who wished to work for the Passport Program as a teacher assistant in the summer! As a Passport’s alumni, I am very thrilled!

Trick Or Treat

Trick Or Treat

I went home this Halloween weekend for my grandparents’ 38th anniversary and also for my mom’s and uncle’s birthday!

A small surprise party for my grandparents' anniversary

A small surprise party for my grandparents’ anniversary

From L-R: Me, Dad, Mom, Little Brother, Uncle, Grandma, and Granddad

From L-R: Me, Dad, Mom, Little Brother, Uncle, Grandma, and Grandpa

Grandparents' surprise anniversary cake

Grandparents’ surprise anniversary cake

Choosing Holy Cross was one of the best decision I have ever made. As a Massachusetts resident, the campus is not too close to home to prevent me from experiencing the campus life away from home, but it is also not too far for my family and friends to come for a visit or for me to go home for a family weekend!

My grandparents came to visit me from Cambodia. L-R: Me, Dad, Little Brother, Mom, Elizabeth (My roommate), Grandma, and Grandpa

My grandparents came to visit me from Cambodia. L-R: Me, Dad, Little Brother, Mom, Elizabeth (My roommate), Grandma, and Grandpa


I got a lovely visit from my former high school advisors and they brought me a very thoughtful care package! Thank you so much!

I hope you stay tuned for another exciting week!


Stay Awesome,


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